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tv   America This Morning  ABC  August 9, 2016 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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making news in america this morning, ferry wheel fall. three young passengers thrown from the ride tumbling from near the top. witnesses describing the horrifying scene as the investigation gets under way overnight. donald trump and hillary clinton spar over economic policies as prominent security reckless president. meanwhile, there is a new name entering the race. we're live in washington. a bubbling arson suspect trying to burn down a barber shop but catching himself on fire. check out this seaworld surprise when a girl tries to get a close-up of a dolphin. i guess the dolphin prefers selfies. >> i guess.
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take ago i look at that dolphin selfie more on that in a moment. we start with tragedy. a freak accident at a county fair that sent three children plummeting from near the top of a ferris wheel. >> witnesses watched in horror as the cart tipped over suddenly spilling them to the ground. this morning authorities are treating the incident like a crime scene. overnight a square at a county fair. >> three kids that fell from the ferris wheel. >> reporter: three child reportedly 10 to 12 years old in a terrifying fall from a ferris wheel in eastern tennessee. the car carrying them snagged on another cart on its way up spilling them out. one witness saying the children bounced off the metal briding of the ride eventually hitting the ground 30 to 45 feet below. >> i feel real bad for the little kids, you know, they screamed a little bit then they just hit the ground and was laying there. i don't know the little girls
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>> reporter: two helicopters and an ambulance transporting the children to the hospital. authorities say they were alert and even talking after the accident. this morning investigators interviewing witnesses trying to figure out what went wrong. >> we're considering that and treating it like a crime scene if we can determine if there any malfunction and make sure there was no foul play but an accident. >> the names of the injured passengers have not been years old. the fair will be open today but the rides are closed. that incident on the ferris wheel as officials retail new details over an accident at a kansas water park. kay kale lab caleb schwab died and he slid behind the raft during the ride. >> i heard a couple of loud
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boom, boom and looked at my cousin and i said i think that's a bodyout side the raft. as i get closer and put my hand on the slide the lifeguard says there's nothing you can do. >> some park guests claim that the water slide's harness was not working properly earlier that day. this is the first fatal accident at that park and the park will be closed again today. now to politics and donald trump facing staunch opposition from more prominent republicans oversh economic plan. >> senator susan collins says she will not vote for trump blasting him over his temperament and 50 official security officers said he would be rec less. >> reporter: two out of every three voters believe donald trump lacks the temperament to be president that poll shows as a new candidate enters the race.
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the gop candidate on his best behavior while speaking at the detroit economic club. sticking to the script. >> we will make america grow again. >> reporter: never losing his cool. >> i will say the bernie sanders people had far more energy and spirit, i will say that. >> reporter: and laying out his plans for america's economy. >> i want to jump-start america and it can be done and it won't even be that hard. >> reporter: under his pn taxed and he'll simplify the tax code by having just three brackets but trump offered few details of how he would do it and no mention of spending cuts. hillary clinton took to slamming trump's proposal at a campaign stop in battleground florida. >> they tried to make his old tired ideas sound new. >> reporter: blasting his speech as repackaged trickle down economics and saying unlike trump she'll be a small business president and create jobs. >> if trump were able to
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heaven forbid it would cost 3.5 million jobs. he would actually reduce jobs. >> reporter: and now trump may have more than clinton to worry about. evan mcmullen a 40-year-old former cia agent and congressional staffer entering the race as an independent third party candidate. >> donald trump cannot win. he is ensuring hillary clinton will win the white house. >> reporter: overnight hillary clinton's campaign announced that she'll take part in all three president she challenged trump to do the same as he's not yet signed on to the debate schedule. kendis and diane. >> that's maggie rulli for us live in washington. thanks. we move on to california. a monster wildfire is forcing the evacuation of more than 5,000 homes. the pilot fire as it's called has burned ten square miles in san bernardino mountains about 60 miles east of l.a. dry brush is spewing the fire. crews are battling the flames on the ground and in the air as you can see there.
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started the fire. hundreds of miles south of that fire residents in mexico are bracing for tropical storm xavier. here's a look at the time line. waves and winds churning and residents across the gulf of california and cabo san lucas are being evacuated. they reached 60 miles per hour and some could see 6 inches of rain. people along florida's gulf coast are likely to see more flooding as drenching rains hit the day some could get up to a foot of rain. >> headlines from the olympics now and the u.s. domination in the pool, well, it continues. >> 21-year-old ryan murphy extended their hold on the 100-meter backstroke and american men have won gold six consecutive types and he set an olympic record just 0.03 seconds off the record. dominant, it's been ten years
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team lost a game. >> wow. >> the team's 70th in a row, that victory, that is, came at venezuela's expense. 113-69 was the final score. carmelo anthony scored 14 points and played in their last defeat, a six-point loss to greece in 2006. >> venezuela clearly known for their defense. here's a look at the medal count this morning. the u.s. sits in a tie with china with 5 golds. the americans lead in the second there with 13. well, still ahead, why delta's computer malfunction is still affecting flights. more than 24 hours after that systemwide shutdown. and another murder mystery involving a jogger. the newest case is a woman found dead just blocks from home. some new details about the victim overnight. plus, caught on camera. an attempted arson gone wrong. the suspect catching himself on
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hello! it's our new intern, bart's first week here at td bank, he's a robot from one of those other banks. we're training him to bank human. i am banking assistance & registration technology. wait, wait, wait. but you can call me,
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hi amy. thank you. thank you. that is not protocol manager jenna. that's ok bart, it is here. at td bank we do things differently, like having the longest hours of any bank. don't just bank.
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okay, so steph curry, well, he didn't earn himself a trip to the white house after losing the nba finals but did get another golf date with the president there. curry and his dad former nba president obama in martha's vineyard. no word if the curries avenged last year's loss to mr. obama. beautiful day there. well, florida health officials have confirmed a new case of zika bringing the total number of patients who contracted the virus in that state to 17. the new case is palm beach county but the infected person had recently traveled to the miami area where the other cases were recently confirmed. officials right now still believe the active transmission
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within that one square mile area. delta has a warning for flyers today, expect more delays and cancellations. the airline is slowly recovering from a computer outage that stranded thousands of passengers. more than 1,000 flights were canceled on monday and to try to cushion the blow delta is offering a $200 travel voucher for customers delayed more than three hours or have their flight cancelled. walmart is increasing its stake in online sales by e-commerce start-up as it tries to fend off the founder is joining the executive of both which will operate separately. walmart is paying more than $3 billion for jet which launched just last year. it is now illegal to sell e-cigarettes to anyone under 18. new federal regulations kick in. retailers have to check the i.d. of any purchaser who they believe looks younger than 27. the new rules impact sales of cigars and hookah tobacco.
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apple reportedly added a new pressure sensitive home button. dual cameras will take sharper photos for the larger version and the screen sizes are expected to be the same as the iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus. when we come back, taking distracted driving to a whole new level. check out this woman texting with her feet up. a dolphin tired of getting its picture taken, taking revenge. snatching a tablet from a woman. which you are you? be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara? just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara? may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization.
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tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara? if you are allergic to stelara? or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara? saw 75% clearer skin be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara?. discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. (to dog)give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! (to dog)i'm so proud of you. well thank you. get your free credit scorecard at
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defiance is in our bones. our citracal bones. easily absorbed calcium plus vitamin d. defy bone aging with citracal maximum. our highest level of calcium plus d. creamy swirls of pure indulgence. silky sifts of total transcendence. tempting accents of sheer pleasure. introducing "unicorn whispers." this should be the name. or something more like "golden gold." or maybe, "mmmmmm mmhmm."
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name. you can only hope this woman in colorado is in a self-driving car, not only is she texting while driving she has her leg up on the dashboard. a passenger in another car couldn't believe what she was seeing so pulled out her camera to document. the video is online going viral. conditions flooding will be another hazard in three parts of the country today. the deep south, southwest and northern plains. wet roads extend up to the eastern great lakes. if you're flying airport delays are most likely in new orleans, charlotte, new orleans, miami and phoenix. well, for the feck time in less than a week a female jogger was visiting her mother in massachusetts. >> she went for a run and never returned. so far no indication that this
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jogger in new york. let's get the latest from abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: residents in princeton, massachusetts, remain on edge as police search for a killer. >> we have a young woman who appears to be a murder victim. >> reporter: the victim 27-year-old vanessa marcotte went for a jog on saturday at 1:00 p.m. anticipate never came back. marcotte lived in new york city where she worked for google as an account manager. her social media pages showcase her life including photos with her mother who she was in massachusetts. >> we do not know if this was a random act. we are asking the public to be careful and vigilant. >> reporter: police sources tell abc news investigators are looking into signs of sexual assault. this is the second time profile case in less than a week involving a young woman murdered while going out for a jog in broad daylight. authorities say there is nothing at this point connecting the massachusetts case with the death of karina vetrano here in
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surroundings. linsey davis, abc news, queens, new york. for the first time we're hearing from the mother of twin girls who died in their father's hot car. police say aceh north was drunk when he left his 15-month-old daughters in the car. the mother says it was the first time she left the girls alone with the dad. overprotective after losing another daughter in 2014. >> i was with them every day and to tell them i'm sorry. >> entertainer tyler perry is offering to pay for the twins' funeral. a pair of robbers hoping to make off with some easy money clearly picked the wrong target in houston. the men tried to hold up a convenience store. but when they demanded cash and pulled out a gun, the clerk whipped out her own gun and opened fire. the stunned robbers scampered away. the clerk isn't sure if the men were hit. we do know she's okay.
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when you play with fire. two men were trying to set fire to a barber shop and hair salon but the second molotov cocktail splattered one of the arsonists and his clothes caught fire. there he goes running probably screaming and he falls. wasn't much damage to the have lone. those crooks are still on the loose. >> didn't go as planned. >> no, i don't think so. sports including west coast baseball. >> usain bolt news conference. here are our friends at espn. >> i'm scott van pelt. we do our show every night at midnight and some of the featured elms include the best thing i saw today which this particular show was usain bolt. he is going to be running sunday in the 100-meter final because he's the fastest in the world. this is his last olympics so naturally he has a dance ensemble. it's like a broadway show.
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was snapchatting the whole thing because that's how we do, ladies and gentlemen, the stylings of usain bolt. from the world of baseball, brandon crawford, that was his seventh hit of the night. he had six hits in the nine games prior. he had seven hits in this game and that, the last, knocked in the go ahead and eventually winning run. think he was thrown out at second, who cares. seven hits. enjoy your day. >> you too. michael phelps death stare instantly becomes an internet hit. check this out. caught on camera. a dolphin that really wanted to play with an ipad. look, the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd,
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? time to check "the pulse" and we're going to start with this. baseball and apparently there is no shadow boxing before an olympic meet, as well. >> no? well, check out the death stare on michael phelps. it came after south african chad le clos starting dancing and shadow boxing before the semifinal. phelps wasn't too happy about that and had lost to le clos four years ago in london. >> it is just an angry stare. yeah, so the memes popped up online.
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staring there at him with the assassin creed game and there he is with that glare. >> if looks could kill, this, ladies and gentlemen, is dangerous. phelps did come out ahead last night, both men advance to tonight's final. >> but you know it's game on, as well, tonight. >> maybe they should start it the way they start boxing matches where the two have to stare at each other head-to-head. >> that definitely is a new crying jordan as go. now to a bizarre case of lost and found in wisconsin. >> so two men were out canoeing on a lake, they saw a leg, they thought it was a body. >> at first. >> in a beaver dam. it turned out it was actually just a prosthetic. just your typical day so searched online and tracked down the rightful owner through a post on craig'slist. >> he lost it while fishing.
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up. he went out ahead and say anyone found a lost leg, i'll give you 50 bucks for it and it all worked out. aside from bite marks the leg appeared to be in good condition and the owner of the leg made good on his promise and paid the men who found it 50 bucks. >> the beaver has not been spotted since. >> the beaver is pretty ticked off. okay, so here's an exam of why it makes sense to use an let. >> a dolphin apparently didn't like the close-up this visitor was trying to take, just grabs her ipod and drops it in. the ipod owner is not so happy. >> wasn't having it. that was a quick grab. we don't know why the dolphin might have grabbed it. you my state -- >> i say the dolphin wanted to play pokemon go. >> i'm thinking it did. >> that's my theory. >> more news coming up right
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trintellix (vortioxetine) is a prescription medicine for depression. trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. for me, trintellix made a difference. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. trintellix has not been studied in children. do not take with maois. tell your healthcare professional about your medications, and depression medications to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. the most common side effects are nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix did not have significant impact on weight. ask your healthcare professional if trintellix
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checking our top stories. frightening moments at a fair in tennessee when three girls fell 35 to 45 teeth from a ferris wheel when the car they were in somehow turned over. the girls were described as being awake and alert and they're expected to recover. we have new details about that deadly accident on a kansas water slide. police now say the 10-year-old victim died of a neck injury and investigators are looking into reports that the ride's working properly. state inspections for the ride are not required. at this hour hundreds of firefighters battling a fast--ing wildfire east of los angeles. thousands of homes now being evacuated. gusty winds in the west won't help firefighters. there will be severe storms in the rockies and rain in the east with heavy rain in the south today. okay, so two mysteries really emerging this week for men's swimming and for that matter gymnastics at the olympics.
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phelps' back and what is cupping? >> abc's amy robach has the answer to both of those questions. >> okay. >> reporter: all eyes on michael phelps winning that 19th gold but many notice something else. those large purple circles, bruises actually on his right shoulder and right there on his back. posting photos of himself during his last practice before heading to rio even holding his newborn son and says it's a treatment called cupping. anci placing heated glass on the skin. phelps is such a believer in it he featured it in his under armour commercial. now another one is using them. it can take two weeks to heal. while many athletes believe cupping helps speed the healing process scientists failed to
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it's giving them the extra push they need. amy robach, abc news, rio de janeiro. >> so our meteorologist for "gma" says there are other reasons for doing cupping. eastern europe it is used to help secure severe colds. somehow it warms up your body very well and helps you sweat and so forth, you get rid of the cold but apparently these athletes say it helps them recover somehow. >> interesting there's no science behind it yet all these pe them do things all the way up to curing the common cold. >> exactly. >> that's what's making news in america this morning. >> do check us out at
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breaking news unfolding in the bronx where police shot a plan who grabbed an officer's gun and used it to kill an innocent man. we are live on the scene, gathering new details. leaders update the community on a jogger? howard beach. new details on the tragic death of a young boy who plummeted off the world's tallest water slide. good morning i'm lori stokes. and i'm shirlene allicot in for ken rosato. meteorologist bill evans is here now with the exclusive


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